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What is dental anxiety? Sensitivity to dental procedures is something that affects a large part of the population. This article will talk about dental phobia, anxiety symptoms related to dental fears, and how this anxiety disorder can affect overall oral health. After reading this article, check out the directions to Beyond Infinity Dental’s clinic in Castle Hill to book appointments for all your dental needs.
What is dental anxiety disorder?
When a person suffers from dental anxiety or dental phobia, they are gripped with fear of going to the dentist. For some people, they are afraid of the procedures that go on inside the dental office. Others get their high anxiety sensitivity by hearing the sounds that they hear as they wait for their turn.
Symptoms of dental anxiety disorder
There are a few anxiety symptoms that one can look out for to know if you have dental phobia or dental anxiety disorder. Here is a list of the anxiety symptoms that you may experience.
Fear of the dentist
The first and most obvious symptom is when a person is gripped with a crippling fear whenever they think of going to the dentist. This fear is often irrational, as many cannot even explain why they are having these negative feelings when they think about going to the dentist.
Similar to any kind of phobia, the fears that a person experiences are often unexplained. A large part of the population that experiences dental anxiety disorder have not actually been hurt or had a negative experience happen at the dentist’s office.
Stress at the thought of dental procedures
Many people experiencing anxiety symptoms experience stress when they think about the dental procedures that they have to undergo at the dental office. Some people with high anxiety sensitivity report that the sounds they hear at the dentist’s clinic make them feel afraid and anxious, as they wait for their turn.
Bad effects of having anxiety disorders
There are many negative effects that can happen to a person if they have dental anxiety disorder and anxiety sensitivity. Here are some of the most common bad effects that a person may experience with dental anxiety disorder.
Unnecessary stress of a patient
The person is subject to unnecessary stress when they have anxiety symptoms that come with high anxiety sensitivity. The rational part of their mind is telling them that there is nothing to be afraid of when they visit the dentist, the part of their minds that has the anxiety usually gets the better of them. Most of the time, these people are stressed from the moment they step into the dental office until the moment they step out.
Avoidance of any dental visits
One of the most detrimental effects that high anxiety sensitivity of dental procedures can do to a person is to make them so afraid that they choose to avoid getting any type of dental treatment altogether. People who have dental anxiety symptoms would find it to be easier to not go to the dental appointment to avoid the intense feelings of fear they feel when they have to go and have a procedure done.
Bad oral health
The direct effect of avoiding professional dental care is that people who have dental phobia or high anxiety sensitivity to dental procedures is that they will have bad oral health. The dental health of these people will naturally deteriorate because they will not be able to seek dental intervention for any oral issues that may be developing in their mouths.
What to do when faced with high anxiety sensitivity situations
If a person who is manifesting dental anxiety symptoms becomes overwhelmed with their fears, it is easy for them to be tempted to avoid keeping up with their dental appointments. However, there are ways to combat the fears and anxiety a person feels when they experience dental anxiety.
The best thing a person can do is to express their fears to their dentist. There are certain solutions that a dentist can offer to help a person who has high anxiety sensitivity. A dentist can offer IV sedation to these patients that can help them keep calm during dental procedures. There are different levels of sedation that a patient can choose from. A dentist can discuss these different sedation techniques to an anxious patient and help them overcome the fear and anxiety they feel and still be able to get proper dental attention.