Overcoming Issues from Facial Disfigurement

Uncategorized / Thursday, September 19th, 2019

Facial malformation, facial disfigurement or facial scars can have a strong psychological impact. Remember that, although our face is not our identity as such, it’s its main symbol. Therefore, how our face looks has an effect on both individual identity and social identity. If you have broken nose, does your crooked nose make you shy? If you have misaligned teeth, does it affect your self-esteem? Read on this article to know how to overcome psychological issues of having facial malformation.

We recognize other people, not by their hands, their legs or their figure. We recognize others by their faces.

Depending on the context, the effect of facial malformation may range from moderate to severe. Sometimes its incidence is lower, but in other situations, it may have a great impact on the emotional state of a person, especially when it comes from an early age or in environments where physical appearance is highly valued.

Facial disfigurement and interaction

People with visible physical differences usually interact with the world in a particular way.

When talking to someone with facial deformity, many people react by being distant or by looking away and this could seem only like a small gesture, but it’s a small gesture that, definitely, has great impact because it’s a form of subtle rejection that someone with scars on their face has to confront again and again.

The path of self-acceptance

facial disfigurementA person with facial deformity, with acne scars or similar traumas that ended up putting marks on their faces, go through hard situations in their lives. It’s common that these conditions lead to isolation, to feeling shame about oneself and to keep activities down.

But of course, as in so many other tough life issues, facial malformation, facial marks or disfigurement can also be addressed, elaborated and overcome. Things must be oriented towards self-acceptance, even if acceptance from others is being a hassle. Unfortunately, this isn’t a process free from suffering, and having ups and downs, but it can be achieved.

Those who face tough challenges like this one and then overcome them, end up having, in general, greater wisdom and better resources to build a life worthy of being an example to others.

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